
G7 Leaders’ Statement
March 16, 2020

We, the Leaders of the Group of Seven, acknowledge that the COVID-19 pandemic is a human tragedy and a global health crisis, which also poses major risks for the world economy. We are committed to doing whatever is necessary to ensure a strong global response through closer cooperation and enhanced coordination of our efforts. While current challenges may require national emergency measures, we remain committed to the stability of the global economy. We express our conviction that current challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic need a strongly coordinated international approach, based on science and evidence, consistent with our democratic values, and utilizing the strengths of private enterprise.

セブングループのリーダーである私たちは、COVID-19のパンデミックが人間の悲劇であり、世界経済に大きなリスクをもたらす世界的な健康危機であることを認識しています。私たちは、より緊密な協力と私たちの努力の強化された調整を通じて、強力な世界的対応を確保するために必要なことを何でもすることにコミットしています。 現在の課題には国の緊急対策が必要かもしれませんが、私たちは世界経済の安定に引き続きコミットしています。 COVID-19のパンデミックに関連する現在の課題には、科学と証拠に基づき、民主的価値と一致し、民間企業の強みを活用する、国際的に連携したアプローチが必要であると確信しています。

We are committed to marshalling the full power of our governments to:

・Coordinate on necessary public health measures to protect people at risk from COVID-19;

・Restore confidence, growth, and protect jobs;

・Support global trade and investment;

・Encourage science, research, and technology cooperation.

By acting together, we will work to resolve the health and economic risks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and set the stage for a strong recovery of strong, sustainable economic growth and prosperity.


Accelerate Our Response to COVID-19

We will work hard to protect the health and safety of everyone in our countries. Stepping up the response to the outbreak remains our foremost priority. We will coordinate our efforts to delay the spread of the virus, including through appropriate border management measures.

私たちは、私たちの国のすべての人の健康と安全を守るために懸命に働きます。 アウトブレイクへの対応を強化することが最優先事項です。 適切な国境管理措置を含め、ウイルスの拡散を遅らせる努力を調整します。

We will enhance our efforts to strengthen health systems in our countries and globally. We fully support the World Health Organization in its global mandate to lead on disease outbreaks and emergencies with health consequences, leaving no geographical vacuum, and encourage all countries, international organizations, and the private sector to assist global efforts such as the Global Preparedness and Response Plan.

私たちは、私たちの国と世界の医療制度を強化する努力を強化します。 私たちは、世界保健機関が世界的な任務において完全にサポートし、地理的な空白を残さずに健康上の結果を伴う病気の発生と緊急事態を導き、すべての国、国際機関、民間部門がグローバルな準備と対応などの世界的な努力を支援することを奨励します 予定。

We stress the value of real-time information sharing to ensure access to the best and latest intelligence, improving prevention strategies and mitigation measures.


We will pool epidemiologic and other data to better understand and fight the virus.


We will increase coordinated research efforts, including through voluntary support for the global alliance Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation. We will support the launch of joint research projects funded by both public and private resources, and the sharing of facilities, towards rapid development, manufacture and distribution of treatments and a vaccine, adhering to the principles of efficacy, safety, and accessibility.

疫病の準備と革新のための世界的な同盟連合への自発的な支援を含む、調整された研究努力を増やします。 私たちは、有効性、安全性、アクセシビリティの原則に従い、治療とワクチンの迅速な開発、製造、配布に向けて、公的および私的リソースの両方が資金を提供する共同研究プロジェクトの立ち上げと施設の共有をサポートします。

We will make efforts to increase the availability of medical equipment where it is most needed.


We will coordinate with online platforms to maximize public access to the latest correct and relevant official information, in recognition that millions of citizens receive information and news via social media.


To implement these objectives, and adapt measures if necessary, will require efforts across all parts of our governments, and we ask our health ministers to continue to coordinate on a weekly basis.


Forcefully Address the Economic Impact of the Outbreak

We resolve to coordinate measures and do whatever it takes, using all policy tools, to achieve strong growth in the G7 economies, and to safeguard against downside risks.


To this end, we are mobilizing the full range of instruments, including monetary and fiscal measures, as well as targeted actions, to support immediately and as much as necessary the workers, companies, and sectors most affected. This is particularly important for small and medium businesses and working families. We also ask our central banks to continue to coordinate to provide the necessary monetary measures in order to support economic and financial stability, and to promote recovery and growth.

この目的のために、私たちは、最も影響を受けた労働者、企業、およびセクターを即座に必要なだけ支援するために、金融措置および財政措置、ならびに標的行動を含むあらゆる手段を動員しています。 これは、中小企業や勤労家族にとって特に重要です。 また、我々は中央銀行に、経済的および財政的安定を支援し、回復と成長を促進するために必要な金融措置を提供するために引き続き調整することを求めます。

We ask our finance ministers to coordinate on a weekly basis on the implementation of those measures and to develop further timely and effective actions.


We reinforce the importance of coordination among international organizations even in the face of challenges to business continuity. We call on the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group and other International Organizations to further support countries worldwide as part of a coordinated global response, focused on this specific challenge. We also ask our finance ministers to work closely with International Organizations to design and implement swiftly the international financial assistance that is appropriate to help countries, including emerging and developing economies, face the health and economic shock of COVID-19.

私たちは、ビジネスの継続性への課題に直面した場合でも、国際組織間の調整の重要性を強化します。 私たちは、国際通貨基金と世界銀行グループおよびその他の国際機関に対し、この特定の課題に焦点を合わせた調整されたグローバルな対応の一環として、世界中の国々をさらに支援するよう呼びかけます。 また、我々は財務大臣に国際機関と緊密に協力して、新興国や発展途上国を含む国々がCOVID-19の健康と経済的ショックに直面するのを助けるのに適切な国際金融支援を迅速に設計および実施するよう求めます。

We will address disturbances to international supply chains and continue our work to facilitate international trade.


Restore and Expand Growth

We will continue to work together with resolve to implement these measures to respond to this global emergency. In facing the economic challenge, we are determined not only to restore the level of growth anticipated before the COVID-19 pandemic but also to build the foundation for stronger future growth. We will continue to coordinate through the G7 Presidency including at the G7 Leaders’ Summit and call upon the G20 to support and amplify these efforts.

私たちは、この世界的な緊急事態に対応するために、これらの措置を実施する決意とともに協力し続けます。 経済的課題に直面して、我々はCOVID-19パンデミックの前に予想された成長レベルを回復するだけでなく、より強力な将来の成長のための基盤を構築することも決意しています。 G7首脳会議を含め、G7プレジデンシーを通じて引き続き調整し、G20にこれらの取り組みを支援し、拡大するよう呼びかけます。